Starting small on something big.

Small businesses are fucking awesome. They are the highest form of creative expression.

I’ve been a maker my entire life. When I get an idea, I stop at nothing until it can be realized in the physical world. It’s exhilarating. It’s empowering. It’s hard for me to understand people who don’t feel the same way. Oh well.

ANYONE is capable of tapping into their creative genius, but you have to practice. For me, business is an opportunity to be a practitioner of the skills I’ve honed through my many creative endeavors. You get the realest feedback (Customers) and the realest reward (Money). The game of business, and learning more about it, is something I’m obsessed with.

In this blog, I want to share my stories, my insights, and the things I find inspiring. I love nothing more than hearing the stories and challenges people have faced when growing their businesses. I believe ANY business can be taken to whatever level you have the ambition to raise it to.

So here’s to starting small on big ideas.


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